Privacy Policy
1.1. The personal data provided by Users of the Made In Online Store are stored electronically and the person responsible for their processing is Made In, whose registration number with the National Data Protection Commission is 6527/2014, without prejudice to what is referred to in Point 2.3 . below. Made In respects and applies all necessary and appropriate procedures and protocols to comply with REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter GDPR”).
1.2. Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (a natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifying element is considered identifiable).
1.3. Any person who, as a Buyer, registers at the Made In Online Store, regardless of whether they purchase or sell any of the Products made available or to be made available, is considered a “User”, hereinafter also referred to as such.
1.4. The User’s data (name, surname, address, shipping address and email) are necessary to place an Order through the Made In Online Store and are therefore requested when registering there. The taxpayer number is optional.
1.5. The data collected through registration with the Made In Online Store is used exclusively for the processing and treatment of Orders and will not be transmitted in any way to third parties, except to Suppliers from whom they may purchase one or more Products and only to the extent necessary for effects of issuing the corresponding invoices and delivery or return of Products and that it will take appropriate measures to ensure that such Suppliers also respect individual data protection standards.
1.6. Buyers authorize the transfer of the data referred to in the previous point to Suppliers.
1.7. The User’s email is only used for contacts regarding the status of the order or information about the products/services made available or to be made available by Made In, in accordance with the express authorization for this purpose given by the User under the terms of point 2.7. below.
1.8. The data is located in an area of the Made In Online Store protected with the password (access code) chosen by the User during the registration phase and to which only the User has access.
1.9. When registering at the Made In Online Store, the User gives or does not give their consent to Made In for it to send them “unsolicited communications”, as provided for in article 8 of Decree-Law 24/2014, of 14 December February.
2. The user’s personal data is kept by Made In only for the period strictly necessary for the purposes mentioned above, except when there are legal retention obligations in accordance with applicable legislation (such as tax or commercial law) that require the maintenance of your personal data for a longer period.
2.1. The information entered during payment is duly protected, being encrypted using the most advanced and effective security tools, namely the SSL Security Certificate, which is the responsibility of STRIPE.
3.1. The User is expressly guaranteed, at any time, free of charge and free from any restriction, the possibility of accessing their data as well as its deletion or rectification, under the terms provided for in applicable legislation through the password assigned to them for access in the registration phase.
4.1. By registering with the Made In Online Store, the User authorizes the collection and transmission of their personal data under the terms and for the purposes described above, including to Countries outside the European Economic Area.
4.2. Made In does not process personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical convictions and trade union membership, as well as genetic data or data relating to health or sexual life.
4.3 . The entity responsible for collecting and processing personal data is Made In. Contactable by email at
5.1. Buyers guarantee and are responsible for the veracity, accuracy and authenticity of the data provided to Made In and undertake to keep them duly updated until the deletion of their profile in the Made In Online Store, being obliged to carry out such updates and /or corrections if requested by Buyers.
6.1. The user’s personal data is kept by Made In only for the period strictly necessary for the purposes mentioned above, except when there are obligations resulting from applicable law (such as tax or commercial law) that require the maintenance of your personal data for a longer period. Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous paragraph, Made In undertakes to delete all personal data in its possession of a specific Buyer whenever they cancel their registration in the Made In Online Store.
6.2. Made In ensures that it will treat the User’s personal data as confidential and only in accordance with and for the purposes indicated above, and will not use or process any User’s Personal Data for any purpose other than providing the Products.
6.3. Made In will take reasonable measures to ensure the reliability of all employees and subcontractors who take part in the Processing of Personal Data.
6.4. Made In will take reasonable measures to ensure the reliability of all Suppliers, and that they respect and comply with all applicable standards and take all measures and adopt all procedures necessary to comply with and respect the GDPR.
6.5. In the event that you transfer your Personal Data outside the EEA, you will immediately enter into (or request, in the case of a transfer by or to a processor, that such processor promptly enters into) a contract with the respective parties using appropriate EU Standard Clauses or their equivalents.
7.1. In accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, the Customer or User may contact Made In in case of any questions about the Privacy Policy or to change, correct or delete their personal data, at any time, through a written request to Made In, to the following contact: E-mail:
8.1. This “Privacy Policy” is an integral document of the “General Terms of Use” of the Made In Online Store and its reading, analysis, understanding and interpretation must always be done in accordance with and in conjunction with the terms and conditions established in the document in question and other documents complementary to it, duly identified there.
9.1. In view of the provisions of the preceding Clause, terms beginning with a capital letter in this “Privacy Policy” have the same meaning as that given to them in the “General Terms of Use” of the Made In Online Store, unless this document gives a different meaning. .